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HYBRID: Ways of Seeing

  • Samamkaya Yoga Back Care and Scoliosis Collective, LLC 119 W 23rd St Ste 406 New York United States (map)

October 22 & 23, 2022
Saturday 2:30–6:30p ET Intro
Sunday 9:30a–12:30p ET
How to see on ZOOM $75
Sunday 2:30–6:30p ET How to see In Person
Full Workshop: $240

Student Model: $60 in person session/$45 zoom session/$150 for all 3

The first step in working with another person is to observe and see the body. Received, rather than acted upon, observation and vision are skills not always taught to teachers.  Yet without these skills one can not truly help an injured student or anyone with therapeutic needs.  And now, with online teaching, observation is even more challenging without depth of field, 3 dimensions and without touch.

In this workshop we will approach the question:  what is seeing?  What senses are involved? Which is more powerful: vision or touch?  From what standpoint can one truly observe a body?

To find the key to problem solving and subsequently healing you will learn what to look for as you observe your student  as well as look for alternatives to touch.  These skills will allow you to use light and dark, the draping of clothing, a sense of heaviness and lightness, the space around you, and more. When you see the student and sense asymmetry of bone, muscle, skin you will learn to communicate that to your student with a clear description of where it is happening and give them pathways to feel more clearly. Deborah will guide you to a tangible place where you too can develop a “good eye”.

Sunday’s morning session will be specifically focused on how to see virtually and will take place only on Zoom. This session will help you understand how the frame of the screen, the angle of the camera, and the quality of light can hinder or help you in seeing asymmetry when working with online students. Deborah will guide you in problem-solving and filling in the blanks when looking at students on Zoom.  It is recommended that you take this session as part of the full workshop but teachers and students are welcome to sign up for this segment individually to focus on Zoom teaching skills or because students live out of town.

Students can attend the in-person sessions live or the Sunday morning Zoom session online only, as models.  They will have the opportunity to be observed by those attending the workshop and receive feedback and information about their patterns.