Teachers from Samamkaya Back Care and Scoliosis Collective
Wendy (Santoshi) Baranello: samadiwy(at)aol.com
Julie Brandwein: (also practices physical therapy and massage therapy) j.yogi(at)hotmail.com
Dahlia Galler: dahliagaller(at)gmail.com
Debby Green: (also practices Structural Integration (Rolfing), Cranio-Sacral therapy and Visceral Manipulation)), 917-613-7320, debanngreennyc(at)gmail.com
Hae Soo Kim: haesooshi(at)gmail.com
Eva Lev: evalevyoga(at)gmail.com
Rachel Lynch-John: (also practices Body-Mind Centering) reljdance(at)gmail.com
Cat Murcek: cmurcek(at)gmail.com
Jon Musgrave: (also practices massage therapy) jon(at)jmbodywork.com
Frank Ricci: frankricci(at)gmail.com
Laura Staton: (also practices occupational therapy) staton.lula(at)gmail.com
Mimi Rosetti: miriamRosetti(at)gmail.com
Ashlee Willaman: ashlee.willaman(at)gmail.com
Andreas Wirz: wizmor4(at)nyc.rr.com