to Dec 17

Adjustments, Modifications and Verbal Instructions ONLINE ONLY 2025

Wednesdays 2:15-4:15
Online Dates: 1/15, 2/19, 3/19, 4/23, 5/14, 6/25, 9/10, 10/15, 11/12, 12/17

One class for: $40 teachers, $30 Samamkaya Teaching Assistants, $20 Students
Sign up for ONLINE CLASSES here
Any 3 classes for Teachers/Assistants/Students:  $105/80/54
Any 6 classes for Teachers/Assistants/Students $180/150/100
Any 12 classes for Teachers/Assistants/Students  $300/275/170
This course is approved as an IAYT CE Course! Take any 6 classes (12 hours) +  one 1 hour mentoring session for $240

Students with scoliosis have very specific needs with the nervous system, proprioceptive system and with pain patterns.  One must avoid muddled information.  Using prop set-ups, hand on adjustments and verbal instructions, Deborah Wolk will guide you in how to better teach your students with scoliosis.

This class is appropriate for all yoga teachers and for students with scoliosis. Teachers of other modalities (Pilates, personal training, etc.) may attend as teachers with Deborah’s permission. This class is not recommended for brand new beginners to yoga.

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to Oct 23

HYBRID: Ways of Seeing

  • Samamkaya Yoga Back Care and Scoliosis Collective, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The first step in working with another person is to observe and see the body. Received, rather than acted upon, observation and vision are skills not always taught to teachers. Yet without these skills one can not truly help an injured student or anyone with therapeutic needs. And now, with online teaching, observation is even more challenging without depth of field, 3 dimensions and without touch.

In this workshop we will approach the question: what is seeing? What senses are involved? Which is more powerful: vision or touch? From what standpoint can one truly observe a body?

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Ways of Seeing Mini Workshop
9:30 AM09:30

Ways of Seeing Mini Workshop

  • Samamkaya Yoga Back Care and Scoliosis Collective, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this workshop we will approach the question: what is seeing? What senses are involved? Which is more powerful: vision or touch? From what standpoint can one truly observe a body? When you see the student and sense asymmetry of bone, muscle, skin you will learn to communicate that to your student with a clear description of where it is happening and give them pathways to feel more clearly. Deborah will guide you to a tangible place where you too can develop a “good eye”. The morning will cover how to see generally and the afternoon will cover seeing and modifying scoliosis specifically.

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