California Yoga Center is very pleased to welcome back Deborah Wolk for 3 sessions on Yoga for Scoliosis.
Even if you have taken workshops with her in the past at CYC, this series will be more targeted towards specific issues and practice. Deborah is based in New York City where she is a yoga for scoliosis and back care teacher at Samamkaya Yoga Back Care & Scoliosis Collective.
Study with Deborah for the full weekend or sign up for separate sessions. The 3-session workshop will include an anatomy lecture, an exploration of yoga, scoliosis and the nervous system as well as in depth on yoga, scoliosis and the organ body.
All sessions will be recorded. Registered students will have access for two (2) weeks.
Here’s how the weekend breaks out:
Anatomy of Scoliosis
Friday, June 11 – 3–5 pm PST
Thiis session will cover basic spinal anatomy, the anatomy of scoliosis, and anatomy of our proprioceptive system including the spinal cord and sensory feedback. Also covered will be how our joints, muscles and skin give us information about our bodies which can be disorganized by the scoliosis pattern. Organs' anatomy will cover the abdominal and pelvic organs and how digestion and the reproductive system are affected by lumbar, thoraco-lumbar and sacral curves—both primary and compensatory. Come dressed for some movement with some space around you. We will be sensing the landmarks in the body with our own hands and occasionally through an asana during the lecture.
Yoga, Scoliosis & the Nervous System - “Where am I really? Touch and Proprioception”
Saturday June 12 – 3–6 pm PST
The scoliotic spine affects not only the bones and muscles but also the nerves—the feedback from the right and left sides of the curves is not the same. Some of the most powerful asana directions for students with scoliosis are ones directing and re-training the nervous system. In this workshop, you will learn to practice so your spine is balanced by feedback from props, walls and other external stimuli. By the end, you’ll find you have more extension, alignment, and balance as a result of practice than ever before. You’ll sense your body and your particular nervous system issues in a new way and learn how to unravel the disorientation you may feel when practicing yoga or when receiving adjustments and modifications in the asanas.
Yoga, Scoliosis and the Organs - “Find lift again! Progression, Compensation & Low Abdominal Organs”
Sunday June 13 – 1–4 pm PST
How does scoliosis affect the functioning of the lower abdominal organs: the intestines and lower digestive tract, and the internal reproductive organs? How do these organs give support? As those of us with scoliosis age, we encounter progression in the lumbar or thoraco lumbar curves or have abdominal or spinal medical treatments leaving us with less support. How can yoga help to create space, and help the functioning of the organic body. For many people yoga has helped with hormonal issues, digestive issues and more. For those of us with scoliosis, modifications and consciousness in yoga practice may bring more health and order to our low abdominal organs rather than sinking into them over time.
Three-day workshop fee: Early bird price is $160 if paid by June 4. After June 4, $180
Individual session fees:
Friday – $40
Saturday – $80
Sunday - $80