Saturday - 9am–12pm & 2–5:30pm
Sunday - 9am–12:15pm & 1:45–4pm
$265 - Please register in advance
This course provides participants with 12 CE credits for IAYT through Approved Professional Development (APD)
This workshop is part of the Advanced Studies program at Samamkaya. It will address how to teach a therapeutic private yoga lesson.
We will discuss ways to “see” and work with students from a biopsychosocial perspective so that you can decipher the aspects of the practice that will be most healing for your students.
Deborah Wolk & Mimi Rosetti, Samamkaya faculty with busy private practices for many years will discuss and demonstrate through lecture, partnering & working with actual students what the major factors are that a teacher wants to “see” in the student at intake, through listening, through asana and through touch.
Included in the weekend will be:
Working with teens with scoliosis
Working with aging students
Working at the student’s home vs. the studio
Helping your student create a home practice
Saturday’s session will address these questions with lecture, demonstration, practice and partnering with each other.
On Sunday participants will work with their own student or with a Samamkaya Back Care student.
Join Mimi and Deborah as they share their exceptional knowledge on this topic useful for any yoga teacher or aspiring teacher.